This spring has been unlike any other. When I planted my favorite tulip bulbs last fall, kneeling trowel in hand to bury them in the chilled earth, I imagined a sunny spring day when the Angelique tulips would unfurl their enchanting double blooms in shades of rose and pink.
What I didn’t imagine was this spring. A spring when my patio’s wooden fence that protects tulips from munching rabbits and deer would also shelter me. I am at home. All around the world, people are at home. Staying apart, as a pandemic sweeps across continents. We are apart, but not alone. The internet weaves us together.
These Angelique tulips are a daily delight -- a cheerful presence in the late afternoon sun when I return from my solitary walks. Sharing their beauty over cyberspace, with family and friends, and now with you, has become my way of offering hope and reassurance that all will be well.